The AIRES Human Genome Research Foundation developed a drastically advanced complex technology for preserving and restoring human health – Meditative Virtual Programming (MVP).
Today's world is in a state of permanent smoldering crisis. The component parts of the crisis are the atmosphere polluted with toxic chemicals, electrical smog, social tension. Constant stress, neuroses and their derivatives are a consequence of dysfunctional relations with the social and geophysical environment. As a result, there is a greater number of serious pathologies, especially cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and a higher mortality rate due to them.
In spite of the quick pace of technical and pharmaceutical development, modern medicine cannot solve the problems that have arisen. Global medicine is searching for ways to cure different diseases with various chemical agents, but most diseases remain incurable, or only effects are eliminated, whereas the cause stays. It is confirmed by quite depressing data by the WHO on causes of death of population in the last decades.
The established status quo calls for application of a drastically advanced strategy of improving human health, a universal approach to restoring and maintaining health is necessary.
The notion of a «healthy organism» corresponds to such a state of a biological system where all exchange processes between its elements occur in a most balanced way, in full conformity with the genetic program. The entire organism lives and operates as an integral whole. All system subjects «know everything about each other» and maintain interrelations with each other through the existing interconnections. If there are violations in any segment of the organism, those violations are also projected onto other departments of the system. If a violation does not lie deep, the disease is not difficult to cure. However, if a defect affects several departments or systems, the conventional treatment normally comes down to simply eliminating the surface symptoms.
As fundamental physics argues, any matter has electromagnetic nature, and the human organism is an open physical system constantly exchanging energy and matter with the environment. There is no separating any aspect of human life from the global habitat, which, again, is electromagnetic in nature.
According to the laws of physics of open systems, any regular periodic structure of interconnections gives rise to its own superposition of electromagnetic field and is supported by that superposition. Any changes in that field instigate a correction of the material structure that engendered it. The counter-exchange interactions defining an organism's life, embedded in the genetic apparatus in the form of a relevant field superposition, are the quality indicator of the biosystem's health, jointly they generate human electromagnetic control field.
The wave nature of counter-interaction of many billions of biological cells that constantly generate electromagnetic pulses in the broadest frequency range opens up the possibility to control any physiological process by purposefully influencing the existing field superposition, i.e. its own control field of cells, organs and the entire organism on the whole. Electromagnetic radiation of the environment will always be either a stabilizing or destabilizing factor for humans, either facilitating his or her structural improvement or triggering a degradation process. In turn, a degree of well-balanced coordination of the structural makeup of a bioform's electromagnetic radiation determines the direction and nature of changes in metabolism and homeostasis.
As a result, the most efficient way to restore a person's functional state is the influence of his or her own coherently converted electromagnetic radiation, offset by electromagnetic oscillations, strictly coordinated in frequency, amplitude, phase and directional diagram, purposefully causing an unambiguous resonant response in the organism.
The functional base of application of resonance in medicine consists in correct selection of frequency and form of the managed electromagnetic impact that intensifies normal (physiological) and weakens debilitative pathological processes in the human organism. Bioresonance influence by means of inherent well-balanced radiation is aimed at neutralization of pathological cycles and restoration of physiological ones, which were broken in the course of vital activity.
In the process of Meditative Virtual Programming (MVP), the balance of electromagnetic radiations of the human organism's cells and systems is restored. The effect is based on agreement of the frequency-amplitude spectra of wave processes of a bioform's own electromagnetic superpositions that integrally make up the organism's physiological homeostasis.
Resonance interactions of cells and organs play an extremely important role by determining the degree of coordination of life support systems. The Meditative Virtual Programming (MVP) method restores the functional balance by influencing the organism by means of its own most coordinated electromagnetic radiation. The bioform, like a tuning fork responding with a resonance to a certain frequency band of a sound wave, cannot elude interaction with its own coherently converted radiation. Normal operation of physiological life support functions in the organism maintains a dynamic balance of different oscillatory (wave) processes, whereas in pathological states there are pronounced violations of coordination of the cyclic rhythms of key physiological processes.
As a rule, the overwhelming majority of current medical technologies are focused on creating the conditions where the symptoms of a disease are only reduced. This is achieved through either blocking the analyzer that conveys the signal (application of all kinds of analgesics, spasmolytics, antihistamines), or activating certain system compensation areas. Both create additional loads because do not comply with the principles of integral balance in the system of counter-exchange life support processes, which leads to modification of the existing pathologies in the form of new diseases, often more serious.
RBC is a fundamentally new method based on well-balanced coordination of all human life support processes, it ensures increase in the biosystem's dynamic resistance to destabilizing external influences and activation of «internal resources».
The RBC technology uses a whole suite of latest developments in physics of open systems, control methods of wave processes of electromagnetic nature, nanotechnology etc. It is an environmentally unexceptionable high-technology method of revitalizing influence on human organism. This technique is based on meditative virtual programming (MVP) and a result of over 20 years of research and clinical testing performed by the AIRES Foundation in the leading research medical institutions of the Russian Federation.